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    Introduction to the School of Sustainable Food and Farming

    Securing a sustainable and profitable farming and food system through educating, inspiring and empowering current and future farmers to work towards reducing emissions, enhancing nature and developing more climate-friendly businesses.

    Sustainable Farm Networks

    The Sustainable Farm Networks (SFN) aims to address farming challenges through a coordinated approach to Farm Demonstration activity in the UK.

    Learn more ➜

    SFN logo

    It is a huge time for farming: there are so many positive steps we can do now to positively change the future.

    Our vision: educating, inspiring and empowering current and future farmers to achieve net zero within a sustainable farming and food system.

    The School of Sustainable Food and Farming (SSFF) is a community of organisations and people with a desire to see a profitable, productive and sustainable future for the UK agricultural industry.

    Our aims:

    • Equip farmers with skills, knowledge and training needed to become fully sustainable on all parameters: economic, environmental and social.
    • Be a trusted source of information to demystify the journey to net zero and sustainable farming - talk a common language about sustainable agricultural systems.
    • Work to improve farm practice and the farm data to track progress on greenhouse gas emissions reduction, sequestration, and broader sustainability metrics such as biodiversity, water and soils.
    • Encourage new entrants into the farming and food industry, and a diversity of entrepreneurial talent to support the aims.



    Champion food and farming careers opportunities for diverse people and thinking.


    Farmer Knowledge Exchange • Short Courses • Virtual Learning • Apprenticeships


    Research • Innovation Farms • Data Systems

    Founding Partners

    The School of Sustainable Food and Farming founding partners are Morrisons, Harper Adams University, NFU and McDonald's. Each have an equal voice and act with transparency and commitment to support the industry in reaching its NetZero ambitions.

    HAU logo
    Morrisons logo
    McDonald's logo
    NFU logo

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